protected java.lang.Object readResolve()
java.lang.Class<T> impl
Entity parent
java.util.List<E> policySpecs
java.util.List<E> enricherSpecs
java.util.List<E> locations
java.util.List<E> locationSpecs
java.util.Set<E> additionalInterfaces
java.util.List<E> entityInitializers
java.util.List<E> children
java.util.List<E> members
java.util.List<E> groups
boolean immutable
java.util.List<E> policies
java.util.List<E> enrichers
protected java.lang.Object readResolve()
java.lang.Class<T> type
java.lang.String displayName
java.lang.String catalogItemId
java.util.Collection<E> catalogItemIdSearchPath
java.util.Set<E> tags
java.util.List<E> parameters
java.util.Map<K,V> flags
java.util.Map<K,V> config
Location parent
java.util.Map<K,V> extensions
java.lang.Object object
java.lang.String fnName
java.util.List<E> args
BrooklynObjectInternal obj
java.lang.Object keyName
java.lang.String providerName
java.lang.String key
java.lang.Object pattern
java.lang.Object[] args
java.lang.String typeName
java.lang.String factoryMethodName
java.lang.Class<T> type
java.util.List<E> constructorArgs
java.util.List<E> factoryMethodArgs
java.util.Map<K,V> fields
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.lang.Object source
java.lang.Object pattern
java.lang.Object replacement
java.lang.Object arg
java.lang.Object pattern
java.lang.Object replacement
java.lang.String componentId
DeferredSupplier<T> componentIdSupplier
DslComponent scopeComponent
DslComponent.Scope scope
DslComponent component
java.lang.Object sensorName
DslComponent component
java.lang.Object keyName
DslComponent component
java.lang.Object index
DslComponent component
java.lang.Object sensorName
DslComponent component
java.lang.Object template
java.util.Map<K,V> substitutions
DslComponent component
private ConfigInheritance readResolve()
boolean isReinherited
note that this only takes effect where a key is defined locally. if a key is not defined at an ancestor, a descendant setting this value false will not prevent it from inheriting values from ancestors.
typical use case for setting this to false is where a key is consumed and descendants should not "reconsume" it. for example setting files to install on a VM need only be applied once, and if it has runtime management hierarchy descendants which also understand that field they should not install the same files. (there is normally no reason to set this false in the context of type hierarchy inheritance because an ancestor type cannot "consume" a value.)
java.lang.String conflictResolutionStrategy
supported values are
subclasses may pass null or a different string if they provide a custom implementation
of BasicConfigInheritance.resolveWithParentCustomStrategy(ConfigValueAtContainer, ConfigValueAtContainer, org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigInheritance.ConfigInheritanceContext)
java.lang.Boolean useLocalDefaultValue
java.lang.Boolean localDefaultResolvesWithAncestorValue
to mean don't inherit,
to mean local default merged on top of inherited
(but be careful here, if local default is null in a merge it will delete ancestor values).
in most cases this is false, meaning a default value is ignored if the parent has a value,
but it can be used when a key supplies a default which should conflict-resolve with an ancestor value:
a trivial example is when not reinheriting, a default should conflict-resolve (overwriting) an explicit ancestor value.
more interesting potentially, this could indicate
that a default value is being introduced which should be merged/combined with ancestors;
we don't use this (config inheritance is complex enough and we don't have a compelling use case
to expose more complexity to users) but having this as a concept, and the related
specifying (in this case) whether a local default should
resolve/merge/combine with ancestor defaults in addition to ancestor explicit values,
means the logic in this refers to the right control dimensions rather than taking shortcuts.
null should not be used. a boxed object is taken (as opposed to a primitive boolean) only in order to support migration.
java.lang.Boolean ancestorDefaultInheritable
if true (now the usual behaviour), if an ancestor defines a default and a descendant doesn't, the ancestor's value will be taken as a default. if it is also the case that localDefaultResolvesWithAncestorValue is true at the ancestor then a descendant who defines a local default value (with this field true) will have its conflict resolution strategy applied with the ancestor's default value.
if this is false, ancestor defaults are completely ignored; prior to 0.11.0 this was the normal behaviour, but it caused surprises where default values in parameters did not take effect.
as currently we only really use BasicConfigInheritance.localDefaultResolvesWithAncestorValue
true when we
wish to block reinheritance, this is false in that case,
and true in all other cases (where we wish to have ancestor inheritance, but only if there
is no local value that should trump);
however logically there are other possibilities, such as a local default expecting to
merge/combine with an ancestor value, in which case we'd probably want this to be true
to indicate the local default should combine with the ancestor default,
but it could also make sense for this to be false, meaning the local default would
merge with an explicit ancestor value but not with an ancestor default
(see javadoc on BasicConfigInheritance.localDefaultResolvesWithAncestorValue
for more info).
it gets complex and we've tried to simplify the config modes that we actually use, but have made efforts in the code to account for the different logical possibilities, hence the complexity of this.
null should not be used. a boxed object is taken (as opposed to a primitive boolean) only in order to support migration.
protected ConfigInheritance readResolve()
java.lang.String name
java.util.Collection<E> deprecatedNames
<any> typeToken
java.lang.Class<T> type
java.lang.String description
java.lang.Object defaultValue
boolean reconfigurable
ConfigInheritance typeInheritance
ConfigInheritance runtimeInheritance
<any> constraint
ConfigInheritance inheritance
and then set to null.ConfigInheritance parentInheritance
and then set to null.<any> condition
boolean clearFirst
boolean clearFirst
boolean clearFirst
<any> subTypeToken
java.lang.Class<T> subType
protected java.lang.Object readResolve()
java.lang.String name
Duration period
java.lang.String type
AttributeSensor<T> sensor
ConfigBag params
java.lang.String name
java.lang.Class<T> type
<any> typeT
java.lang.String description
java.lang.Boolean hasDefaultValue
java.lang.Object defaultValue
EffectorTasks.EffectorTaskFactory<T> body
java.lang.String name
java.lang.Class<T> returnType
java.util.List<E> parameters
java.lang.String description
<any> condition
AttributeSensor<T> attribute
<any> condition
<any> condition
<any> condition
java.util.regex.Pattern pattern
Entity parent
Group group
<any> condition
java.util.Map<K,V> sensors
java.util.Set<E> effectors
java.util.Set<E> sensorsSet
Lifecycle state
long timestampUtc
<any> condition
<any> condition
Location parent
Location ancestor
java.util.List<E> ranges
int start
int end
int delta
int port
java.lang.String address
java.lang.String displayName
double latitude
double longitude
java.lang.String kind
java.lang.String contents
EntitlementContext entitlementContext
EntitlementClass<T> permission
java.lang.Object typeArgument
java.lang.String brooklynVersion
java.lang.String nodeId uri
ManagementNodeState status
java.lang.Long priority
java.lang.Long localTimestamp
java.lang.Long remoteTimestamp
java.lang.Long timestampUtc
or BasicManagementNodeSyncRecord.remoteTimestamp
but kept (or rather added back in) to support deserializing previous instancesjava.lang.String planeId
java.lang.String masterNodeId
java.util.Map<K,V> managementNodes
protected AbstractMemento readResolve()
java.lang.String brooklynVersion
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String displayName
java.lang.String catalogItemId
java.util.List<E> searchPath
java.util.List<E> tags
java.util.Map<K,V> relations
java.lang.String uniqueTag
java.lang.String parent
java.util.List<E> children
java.util.Map<K,V> fields
java.lang.String description
java.lang.String symbolicName
java.lang.String containingBundle
java.lang.String iconUrl
java.lang.String javaType
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String planYaml
java.util.List<E> parameters
java.util.Collection<E> libraries
CatalogItem.CatalogItemType catalogItemType
java.lang.Class<T> catalogItemJavaType
java.lang.Class<T> specType
boolean deprecated
boolean disabled
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.util.Map<K,V> fields
java.lang.Boolean isTopLevelApp
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.util.List<E> locations
java.util.List<E> members
java.util.Map<K,V> attributes
java.util.List<E> policies
java.util.List<E> enrichers
java.util.List<E> feeds
java.util.Map<K,V> configKeys
java.util.Map<K,V> attributeKeys
java.util.List<E> effectors
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.util.Map<K,V> fields
java.util.Map<K,V> locationConfig
java.util.Set<E> locationConfigUnused
java.lang.String locationConfigDescription
java.lang.String symbolicName
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String url
java.lang.String checksum
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.util.Map<K,V> fields
java.util.Map<K,V> highlights
java.lang.String planeId
java.lang.String brooklynVersion
java.util.List<E> applicationIds
java.util.List<E> topLevelLocationIds
java.util.Map<K,V> entities
java.util.Map<K,V> locations
java.util.Map<K,V> policies
java.util.Map<K,V> enrichers
java.util.Map<K,V> feeds
java.util.Map<K,V> catalogItems
java.util.Map<K,V> bundles
java.lang.String planeId
java.util.Map<K,V> entityIdToManifest
java.util.Map<K,V> locationIdToType
java.util.Map<K,V> policyIdToType
java.util.Map<K,V> enricherIdToType
java.util.Map<K,V> feedIdToType
java.util.Map<K,V> catalogItems
java.util.Map<K,V> bundles
java.lang.String name
java.util.Map<K,V> configKeys
java.util.Set<E> configKeysSet
private java.lang.Object readResolve()
java.lang.String name
java.util.Map<K,V> configKeys
java.util.Map<K,V> configKeysByDeprecatedName
java.util.Set<E> configKeysSet
AttributeSensor.SensorPersistenceMode persistence
<any> typeToken
java.lang.Class<T> type
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String description
<any> condition
<any> condition
java.util.Set<E> currentTokens
java.util.List<E> nextTokens
java.math.BigInteger origin
java.lang.String certificateSourceUrl
java.lang.String keySourceUrl
java.lang.String clientCertificateSourceUrl
java.lang.String certificateDestination
java.lang.String keyDestination
java.lang.String clientCertificateDestination
boolean verifyClient
boolean targetIsSsl
boolean reuseSessions
java.lang.String from
java.lang.String to
boolean isBreak
java.lang.String message
java.lang.Object value
long maxAllowed
long currentPoolSize
long currentUnbounded
long maxUnbounded
long timeWindow
BalanceableContainer<ItemType extends Movable> container
Entity item
byte[] stderrBytes
boolean locationProvisioningAllowed
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String functionallyUniqueIdentifier
java.util.Set<E> tags
java.util.Set<E> parameters
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String name
BrooklynObjectType adjunctType
java.lang.String catalogItemId
java.lang.String description
java.lang.String iconUrl
Status state
java.util.Map<K,V> highlights
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String message
java.lang.String details
java.lang.Object data
java.lang.Integer error
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String type
java.util.Set<E> entities
java.util.Set<E> locations
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.lang.String id
ApplicationSpec spec
Status status
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String symbolicName
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String lastModified
java.util.Map<K,V> additionalData
java.util.Set<E> config
java.util.Set<E> config
java.util.Set<E> sensors
java.util.Set<E> effectors
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String symbolicName
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String containingBundle
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String javaType
java.lang.String itemType
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String description
java.lang.String iconUrl
java.lang.String planYaml
java.util.List<E> tags
boolean deprecated
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.util.Set<E> config
java.util.Set<E> config
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String type
java.lang.Object defaultValue
java.lang.String description
boolean reconfigurable
java.lang.String label
java.lang.Double priority
java.util.List<E> possibleValues
java.lang.Boolean pinned
java.util.List<E> constraints
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String returnType
java.util.Set<E> parameters
java.lang.String description
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String description
java.lang.Object defaultValue
boolean shouldSanitize
java.lang.String applicationId
java.lang.String parentId
java.util.List<E> children
java.util.List<E> groupIds
java.util.List<E> members
java.lang.Boolean serviceUp
Lifecycle serviceState
java.lang.String iconUrl
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String type
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String catalogItemId
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.util.Map<K,V> others
java.lang.String planeId
java.lang.String ownId
java.lang.String masterId
java.util.Map<K,V> nodes
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String nodeId nodeUri
java.lang.String status
java.lang.Long localTimestamp
java.lang.Long remoteTimestamp
java.lang.String link
java.util.Map<K,V> metadata
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String spec
java.util.Map<K,V> config
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String type
CatalogLocationSummary catalog
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.Object result
java.lang.String problem
java.lang.String stdout
java.lang.String stderr
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String description
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String displayName
java.lang.String entityId
java.lang.String entityDisplayName
java.lang.String description
java.util.Collection<E> tags
java.lang.Long submitTimeUtc
java.lang.Long startTimeUtc
java.lang.Long endTimeUtc
java.lang.String currentStatus
java.lang.Object result
boolean isError
boolean isCancelled
java.util.List<E> children
LinkWithMetadata submittedByTask
LinkWithMetadata blockingTask
java.lang.String blockingDetails
java.lang.String detailedStatus
java.util.Map<K,V> streams
java.util.Map<K,V> links
Status status
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String applicationId
java.lang.String start
java.lang.String end
long duration
java.util.Map<K,V> metadata
java.util.List<E> statistics
java.util.Map<K,V> links
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String buildSha1
java.lang.String buildBranch
java.util.List<E> features response
java.lang.String redirect
java.lang.String name
java.util.List<E> points
int minRequiredSize
double minRequiredRatio
boolean allowEmpty
java.lang.String name
private void readObject( stream) throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
java.util.Map<K,V> m
ManagementContext mgmt
MutableList<V> owningTasks
MutableSet<V> requestingTasks
java.util.List<E> owningThreads
java.util.Set<E> requestingThreads
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String description
java.util.List<E> causes
boolean causeEmbeddedInMessage
java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> job
<any> job
java.lang.Runnable job
<any> exception
<any> supplier
java.lang.Object value
java.lang.Throwable cause
int[] subnetBytes
int length
java.lang.String user
HostAndPort hostAndPort
long nanos