YAML Blueprints
- The Basic Structure
- Setting Locations
- Configuring VMs
- Clusters, Specs, and Composition
- Multiple Services and Dependency Injection
- Clusters and Policies
- Blueprinting Tips
- Custom Entities
- Windows Blueprints
- Ansible in YAML Blueprints
- Chef in YAML Blueprints
- Salt in YAML Blueprints
- Testing YAML Blueprints
- YAML Blueprint Advanced Example
- Broooklyn YAML Blueprint Reference
- GitHub Blueprint Library
User Guide
Getting Started Downloads Brooklyn Concepts YAML Blueprints
The Basic Structure
Setting Locations
Configuring VMs
Clusters, Specs, and Composition
Multiple Services and Dependency Injection
Clusters and Policies
Blueprinting Tips
Custom Entities
Windows Blueprints
Ansible in YAML Blueprints
Chef in YAML Blueprints
Salt in YAML Blueprints
Testing YAML Blueprints
YAML Blueprint Advanced Example
YAML Blueprint Reference
GitHub Blueprint Library
Java Blueprints
Other 0.9.0 Resources