public class Strings
extends java.lang.Object
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static java.lang.String |
The empty
String . |
static |
CharMatcher that matches valid Java identifier characters. |
static java.lang.String |
Valid non alphanumeric characters for filenames.
Constructor and Description |
Strings() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
checkNonEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s)
throws IllegalArgument if string not empty; cf.
static void |
checkNonEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s,
java.lang.String message)
throws IllegalArgument if string not empty; cf.
static java.lang.String |
collapseWhitespace(java.lang.String x,
java.lang.String whitespaceReplacement)
replaces each sequence of whitespace in the first string with the replacement in the second string
static java.lang.String[] |
combineArrays(java.lang.String[]... arrays) |
static boolean |
containsLiteral(java.lang.CharSequence input,
java.lang.CharSequence fragment) |
static boolean |
containsLiteralIgnoreCase(java.lang.CharSequence input,
java.lang.CharSequence fragment) |
static java.lang.String |
emptyToNull(java.lang.String var) |
static FormattedString |
format(java.lang.String pattern,
java.lang.Object... args)
wraps a call to
String.format(String, Object...) in a toString, i.e. |
static char |
getDecimalSeparator(java.util.Locale locale) |
static char |
getDefaultDecimalSeparator() |
static java.lang.String |
getFirstLine(java.lang.String s) |
static java.lang.String |
getFirstWord(java.lang.String s)
returns the first word (whitespace delimited text), or null if there is none (input null or all whitespace)
static java.lang.String |
getFirstWordAfter(java.lang.String context,
java.lang.String phrase)
returns the first word after the given phrase, or null if no such phrase;
if the character immediately after the phrase is not whitespace, the non-whitespace
sequence starting with that character will be returned
static java.lang.String |
getFragmentBetween(java.lang.String input,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String suffix)
looks for first section of text in following the prefix and, if present, before the suffix;
null if the prefix is not present in the string, and everything after the prefix if suffix is not present in the string;
if either prefix or suffix is null, it is treated as the start/end of the string
static java.lang.String |
getLastWord(java.lang.String s)
returns the last word (whitespace delimited text), or null if there is none (input null or all whitespace)
static java.lang.String |
getRemainderOfLineAfter(java.lang.String context,
java.lang.String phrase)
searches in context for the given phrase, and returns the untrimmed remainder of the first line
on which the phrase is found
static int |
getWordCount(java.lang.String phrase,
boolean respectQuotes) |
static java.lang.String |
ies(int count)
returns "ies" if the argument is not 1, "y" otherwise; useful when constructing plurals
static java.lang.String |
ies(java.lang.Iterable<?> x)
ies(int) based on size of argument |
static java.lang.String |
ies(java.util.Iterator<?> x)
ies(int) based on size of argument |
static java.lang.String |
ies(java.util.Map<?,?> x)
ies(int) based on size of argument |
static boolean |
isBlank(java.lang.CharSequence s)
Checks if the given string is empty or only consists of whitespace.
static boolean |
isEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s)
Checks if the given string is null or is an empty string.
static boolean |
isLowerCase(java.lang.String s) |
static boolean |
isMultiLine(java.lang.String s) |
static boolean |
isNonBlank(java.lang.CharSequence s)
The inverse of
isBlank(CharSequence) . |
static boolean |
isNonEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s)
The inverse of
isEmpty(CharSequence) . |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Object> list,
java.lang.String separator)
convenience for
Joiner |
static java.lang.String |
join(java.lang.Object[] list,
java.lang.String separator)
convenience for
Joiner |
static<java.lang.String> |
returns comparator which compares based on length, with shorter ones first (and null before that);
in event of a tie, it uses the toString order
static java.lang.String |
lines(java.lang.String... lines)
convenience for joining lines together
static java.lang.String[] |
makeArray(java.lang.String prefix,
int count)
returns e.g.
static java.lang.String |
makeISOSizeString(long sizeInBytes)
Returns a size string using ISO suffixes from
ByteSizeStrings.iso() , e.g. |
static java.lang.String |
makeJavaSizeString(long sizeInBytes)
Returns a size string using Java suffixes from , e.g. |
static java.lang.String |
makePaddedString(java.lang.String base,
int len,
java.lang.String left_pad,
java.lang.String right_pad)
pads the string with "pad" at the left up to len; no padding if base longer than len
static java.lang.String |
makeRandomId(int l) |
static java.lang.String |
makeRealString(double x,
int maxlen,
int prec,
int leftPadLen)
creates a string from a real number, with specified accuracy (more iff it comes for free, ie integer-part);
switches to E notation if needed to fit within maxlen; can be padded left up too (not useful)
static java.lang.String |
makeRealString(double x,
int maxlen,
int prec,
int leftPadLen,
double skipDecimalThreshhold,
boolean useEForSmallNumbers)
creates a string from a real number, with specified accuracy (more iff it comes for free, ie integer-part);
switches to E notation if needed to fit within maxlen; can be padded left up too (not useful)
static java.lang.String |
makeRealStringNearZero(double x,
int maxlen,
int prec,
int leftPadLen)
creates a string from a real number, with specified accuracy (more iff it comes for free, ie integer-part);
switches to E notation if needed to fit within maxlen; can be padded left up too (not useful)
static java.lang.String |
makeRepeated(char c,
int length) |
static java.lang.String |
makeSizeString(long sizeInBytes)
Returns a size string using metric suffixes from
ByteSizeStrings.metric() , e.g. |
static java.lang.String |
makeTimeString(long utcMillis)
static java.lang.String |
makeValidFilename(java.lang.String s)
Returns a valid filename based on the input.
static java.lang.String |
makeValidJavaName(java.lang.String s)
Returns a valid Java identifier name based on the input.
static java.lang.String |
makeValidUniqueJavaName(java.lang.String s)
Returns a unique valid java identifier name based on the input.
static java.lang.String |
makeZeroPaddedString(int i,
int len)
pads the string with 0's at the left up to len; no padding if i longer than len
static java.lang.String |
maxlen(java.lang.String s,
int maxlen)
returns up to maxlen characters from the start of s
static java.lang.String |
maxlenWithEllipsis(java.lang.String s,
int maxlen)
as {@link #maxlenWithEllipsis(String, int, String) with "..." as the ellipsis
static java.lang.String |
maxlenWithEllipsis(java.lang.String s,
int maxlen,
java.lang.String ellipsis)
as {@link #maxlenWithEllipsis(String, int) but replacing the last few chars with the given ellipsis
static <T extends java.lang.CharSequence> |
maybeNonBlank(T s) |
static java.lang.String |
removeAllFromEnd(java.lang.String string,
java.lang.String... suffixes)
As removeFromEnd, but repeats until all such suffixes are gone
static java.lang.String |
removeAllFromStart(java.lang.String string,
java.lang.String... prefixes)
removeFromStart(String, String) , repeating until all such prefixes are gone. |
static java.lang.String |
removeFromEnd(java.lang.String string,
java.lang.String suffix)
Removes suffix from the end of the string.
static java.lang.String |
removeFromStart(java.lang.String string,
java.lang.String prefix)
Removes prefix from the beginning of string.
static java.lang.String |
repeat(java.lang.String base,
int count)
returns base repeated count times
static java.lang.String |
replaceAll(java.lang.String source,
java.util.Map replacements)
NON-REGEX - replaces all key->value entries from the replacement map in source (non-regex)
static java.lang.String |
replaceAll(java.lang.String source,
java.lang.String pattern,
java.lang.String replacement)
NON-REGEX replaceAll - see the better, explicitly named
replaceAllNonRegex(String, String, String) . |
static java.lang.String |
replaceAllNonRegex(java.lang.String source,
java.lang.String pattern,
java.lang.String replacement)
Replaces all instances in source, of the given pattern, with the given replacement
(not interpreting any arguments as regular expressions).
static java.lang.String |
replaceAllRegex(java.lang.String source,
java.lang.String pattern,
java.lang.String replacement)
REGEX replacement -- explicit method name for readability, doing same as
String.replaceAll(String, String) . |
static java.lang.String |
reverse(java.lang.String name) |
static java.lang.String |
s(int count)
returns "s" if the argument is not 1, empty string otherwise; useful when constructing plurals
static java.lang.String |
s(java.lang.Iterable<?> x)
s(int) based on size of argument |
static java.lang.String |
s(java.util.Iterator<?> x)
s(int) based on size of argument |
static java.lang.String |
s(java.util.Map<?,?> x)
s(int) based on size of argument |
static StringShortener |
returns a configurable shortener
static java.lang.String |
toInitialCapOnly(java.lang.String value) |
static java.lang.String |
toLowerCase(java.lang.String value) |
static java.lang.String |
toString(java.lang.Object o)
returns toString of the object if it is not null, otherwise null
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
toStringList(java.util.List<?> list,
java.lang.String valueIfNull)
converts a list of any objects to a list of strings, using
Object.toString() ,
with the second argument used where an entry is null |
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
toStringMap(java.util.Map<?,?> map)
since 0.7.0 use
toStringMap(Map, String) to remove ambiguity about how to handle null |
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
toStringMap(java.util.Map<?,?> map,
java.lang.String valueIfNull)
converts a map of any objects to a map of strings, using
Object.toString() ,
with the second argument used where a value (or key) is null |
static<java.lang.String> |
toStringSupplier(java.lang.Object src) |
static java.lang.String |
toStringWithValueForNull(java.lang.Object o,
java.lang.String valueIfNull)
returns toString of the object if it is not null, otherwise the given value
static java.lang.String |
toUniqueString(java.lang.Object x,
int optionalMax)
Returns canonicalized string from the given object, made "unique" by:
putting sets into the toString order
appending a hash code if it's longer than the max (and the max is bigger than 0)
static java.lang.String |
trim(java.lang.String s) |
static void |
trimAll(java.lang.String[] s) |
static java.lang.String |
trimEnd(java.lang.String s) |
public static final java.lang.String EMPTY
.public static final java.lang.String VALID_NON_ALPHANUM_FILE_CHARS
public static final IS_JAVA_IDENTIFIER_PART
that matches valid Java identifier characters.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(char)
public static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s)
- the String to checkisNonEmpty(CharSequence)
public static boolean isBlank(java.lang.CharSequence s)
- the String to checkisEmpty(CharSequence)
public static boolean isNonEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s)
- the String to checkisEmpty(CharSequence)
public static boolean isNonBlank(java.lang.CharSequence s)
- the String to checkisEmpty(CharSequence)
public static <T extends java.lang.CharSequence> Maybe<T> maybeNonBlank(T s)
object which is absent if the argument isBlank(CharSequence)
public static void checkNonEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s)
public static void checkNonEmpty(java.lang.CharSequence s, java.lang.String message)
public static java.lang.String removeFromEnd(java.lang.String string, java.lang.String suffix)
public static java.lang.String removeAllFromEnd(java.lang.String string, java.lang.String... suffixes)
public static java.lang.String removeFromStart(java.lang.String string, java.lang.String prefix)
public static java.lang.String removeAllFromStart(java.lang.String string, java.lang.String... prefixes)
removeFromStart(String, String)
, repeating until all such prefixes are gone.public static java.lang.String join(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Object> list, java.lang.String separator)
public static java.lang.String join(java.lang.Object[] list, java.lang.String separator)
public static java.lang.String lines(java.lang.String... lines)
public static java.lang.String replaceAll(java.lang.String source, java.util.Map replacements)
public static java.lang.String replaceAll(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String replacement)
replaceAllNonRegex(String, String, String)
.public static java.lang.String replaceAllNonRegex(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String replacement)
This is actually the same as the very ambiguous String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence)
which does replace all, but not using regex like the similarly ambiguous String.replaceAll(String, String)
Alternatively see replaceAllRegex(String, String, String)
public static java.lang.String replaceAllRegex(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String replacement)
String.replaceAll(String, String)
.public static java.lang.String makeValidFilename(java.lang.String s)
with any runs of invalid characters being replaced by
- if the input string is
- if the input string is blank.public static java.lang.String makeValidJavaName(java.lang.String s)
The result is usually unique to s, though this isn't guaranteed, for example if
all characters are invalid. For a unique identifier use makeValidUniqueJavaName(String)
public static java.lang.String makeValidUniqueJavaName(java.lang.String s)
but with String.hashCode()
appended where necessary to guarantee uniqueness.makeValidJavaName(String)
public static java.lang.String makeRandomId(int l)
public static java.lang.String makeZeroPaddedString(int i, int len)
public static java.lang.String makePaddedString(java.lang.String base, int len, java.lang.String left_pad, java.lang.String right_pad)
public static void trimAll(java.lang.String[] s)
public static java.lang.String makeRealString(double x, int maxlen, int prec, int leftPadLen)
- number to usemaxlen
- maximum length for the numeric string, if possible (-1 to suppress)prec
- number of digits accuracy desired (more kept for integers)leftPadLen
- will add spaces at left if necessary to make string this long (-1 to suppress) [probably not usef]public static java.lang.String makeRealString(double x, int maxlen, int prec, int leftPadLen, double skipDecimalThreshhold, boolean useEForSmallNumbers)
- number to usemaxlen
- maximum length for the numeric string, if possible (-1 to suppress)prec
- number of digits accuracy desired (more kept for integers)leftPadLen
- will add spaces at left if necessary to make string this long (-1 to suppress) [probably not usef]skipDecimalThreshhold
- if positive it will not add a decimal part if the fractional part is less than this threshhold
(but for a value 3.00001 it would show zeroes, e.g. with 3 precision and positive threshhold <= 0.00001 it would show 3.00);
if zero or negative then decimal digits are always shownuseEForSmallNumbers
- whether to use E notation for numbers near zero (e.g. 0.001)public static java.lang.String makeRealStringNearZero(double x, int maxlen, int prec, int leftPadLen)
- number to usemaxlen
- maximum length for the numeric string, if possible (-1 to suppress)prec
- number of digits accuracy desired (more kept for integers)leftPadLen
- will add spaces at left if necessary to make string this long (-1 to suppress) [probably not usef]public static java.lang.String getFirstWord(java.lang.String s)
public static java.lang.String getLastWord(java.lang.String s)
public static java.lang.String getFirstWordAfter(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String phrase)
public static java.lang.String getRemainderOfLineAfter(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String phrase)
@Deprecated public static java.lang.String makeTimeString(long utcMillis)
public static java.lang.String[] makeArray(java.lang.String prefix, int count)
public static java.lang.String[] combineArrays(java.lang.String[]... arrays)
public static java.lang.String toInitialCapOnly(java.lang.String value)
public static java.lang.String reverse(java.lang.String name)
public static boolean isLowerCase(java.lang.String s)
public static java.lang.String makeRepeated(char c, int length)
public static java.lang.String trim(java.lang.String s)
public static java.lang.String trimEnd(java.lang.String s)
public static java.lang.String maxlen(java.lang.String s, int maxlen)
public static java.lang.String maxlenWithEllipsis(java.lang.String s, int maxlen)
public static java.lang.String maxlenWithEllipsis(java.lang.String s, int maxlen, java.lang.String ellipsis)
public static java.lang.String toString(java.lang.Object o)
public static java.lang.String toStringWithValueForNull(java.lang.Object o, java.lang.String valueIfNull)
public static boolean containsLiteralIgnoreCase(java.lang.CharSequence input, java.lang.CharSequence fragment)
public static boolean containsLiteral(java.lang.CharSequence input, java.lang.CharSequence fragment)
public static java.lang.String makeSizeString(long sizeInBytes)
, e.g. 23.5MBpublic static java.lang.String makeISOSizeString(long sizeInBytes)
, e.g. 23.5MiBpublic static java.lang.String makeJavaSizeString(long sizeInBytes)
, e.g. 23mpublic static StringShortener shortener()
public static<java.lang.String> toStringSupplier(java.lang.Object src)
public static FormattedString format(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Object... args)
String.format(String, Object...)
in a toString, i.e. using %s syntax,
useful for places where we want deferred evaluation
(e.g. as message to Preconditions
to skip concatenation when not needed)public static java.lang.String s(int count)
public static java.lang.String s(@Nullable java.util.Map<?,?> x)
based on size of argumentpublic static java.lang.String s(java.lang.Iterable<?> x)
based on size of argumentpublic static java.lang.String s(java.util.Iterator<?> x)
based on size of argumentpublic static java.lang.String ies(int count)
public static java.lang.String ies(@Nullable java.util.Map<?,?> x)
based on size of argumentpublic static java.lang.String ies(java.lang.Iterable<?> x)
based on size of argumentpublic static java.lang.String ies(java.util.Iterator<?> x)
based on size of argument@Deprecated public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> toStringMap(java.util.Map<?,?> map)
toStringMap(Map, String)
to remove ambiguity about how to handle nullpublic static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> toStringMap(java.util.Map<?,?> map, java.lang.String valueIfNull)
with the second argument used where a value (or key) is nullpublic static java.util.List<java.lang.String> toStringList(java.util.List<?> list, java.lang.String valueIfNull)
with the second argument used where an entry is nullpublic static java.lang.String repeat(java.lang.String base, int count)
public static<java.lang.String> lengthComparator()
public static boolean isMultiLine(java.lang.String s)
public static java.lang.String getFirstLine(java.lang.String s)
public static java.lang.String getFragmentBetween(java.lang.String input, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix)
public static int getWordCount(java.lang.String phrase, boolean respectQuotes)
public static char getDecimalSeparator(java.util.Locale locale)
public static char getDefaultDecimalSeparator()
public static java.lang.String collapseWhitespace(java.lang.String x, java.lang.String whitespaceReplacement)
public static java.lang.String toLowerCase(java.lang.String value)
public static java.lang.String emptyToNull(java.lang.String var)
public static java.lang.String toUniqueString(java.lang.Object x, int optionalMax)