Interface | Description |
HighAvailabilityManager |
Monitors other management nodes (via the
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordPersister ) to detect
if the current master has failed or stopped. |
HighAvailabilityManagerImpl.PromotionListener | |
ManagementNodeSyncRecord |
Represents the state of a management-node.
ManagementPlaneSyncRecord |
Meta-data about the management plane - the management nodes and who is currently master.
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordPersister |
Controls the persisting and reading back of mementos relating to the management plane.
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordPersister.Delta | |
MasterChooser |
For choosing which management node to promote, when master detected as failed or stopped.
Class | Description |
BasicMasterChooser | |
BasicMasterChooser.AlphabeticChooserScore | |
BasicMasterChooser.AlphabeticMasterChooser |
comparator which prefers, in order:
higher explicit priority
non-snapshot Brooklyn version, then any Brooklyn version, and lastly null version
NaturalOrderComparator so e.g. |
HighAvailabilityManagerImpl |
This is the guts of the high-availability solution in Brooklyn.
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordDeltaImpl | |
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordDeltaImpl.Builder | |
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordPersisterToMultiFile | Deprecated
since 0.7.0 use
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordPersisterToObjectStore e.g. |
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordPersisterToObjectStore |
Structure of files is:
plane/ - top-level directory
master - contains the id of the management-node that is currently master
change.log - log of changes made
nodes/ - sub-directory, containing one file per management-node
a9WiuVKp - file named after the management-node's id, containing the management node's current state
All writes are done synchronously. |
OsgiManager |
Enum | Description |
HighAvailabilityMode |
Specifies the HA mode that a mgmt node should run in
ManagementNodeState | |
ManagementPlaneSyncRecordPersister.Delta.MasterChange |