Based on the contents of brooklyn properties, sets up rules for resolving where to
download artifacts from, for installing entities.
By default, these rules override the DOWNLOAD_URL defined on the entities in code.
Global properties can be specified that apply to all entities. Entity-specific properties
can also be specified (which override the global properties for that entity type).
Below is an example of realistic configuration for an enterprise who have an in-house
repository that must be used for everything, rather than going out to the public internet.
// FIXME Check format for including addonname- only if addonname is non-null?
// FIXME Use this in a testng test case
brooklyn.downloads.all.url=${simpletype}/${simpletype}-${addon?? addon-}${version}.${fileSuffix!.tar.gz}
To illustrate the features and variations one can use, below is an example of global
properties that can be specified. The semicolon-separated list of URLs will be tried in-order
until one succeeds. The fallback url says to use that if all other URLs fail (or no others are
brooklyn.downloads.all.url=http://myurl1/${simpletype}-${version}.tar.gz; http://myurl2/${simpletype}-${version}.tar.gz
Similarly, entity-specific properties can be defined. All "global properties" will also apply
to this entity type, unless explicitly overridden.
Downloads for entity-specific add-ons can also be defined. All "global properties" will also apply
to this entity type, unless explicitly overridden.
If no explicit URLs are supplied, then by default it will use the DOWNLOAD_URL attribute
of the entity (if supplied), followed by the fallbackurl if that fails.
A URL can be a "template", where things of the form ${version} will be substituted for the value
of "version" provided for that entity. The freemarker template engine is used to convert URLs
driver: the EntityDriver
instance being used for the Entity
simpletype: the unqualified name of the entity type
type: the fully qualified name of the entity type
addon: the name of the entity add-on, or null if it's the core entity artifact
version: the version number of the entity to be installed (or of the add-on)