
Brooklyn v0.5.0-SNAPSHOT

This is the documentation for a snapshot version of Brooklyn, generated 02 Apr 2013.

View current documentation here.

NB: "Snapshot" means it is the code at a point in time, and that a reference to this version 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT may resolve to different code at a different point in time. Where possible it is preferable to develop against a GA version rather than a shapshot.

Version History

  • MASTER: no major changes yet since 0.5.0-rc.1

  • MASTER: includes new JS GUI and REST API, rebind/persistence support, cleaner model and naming conventions, more entities (Apr 2013)

  • v0.4.0: initial public GA release of Brooklyn to Maven Central, supporting wide range of entities and examples (Jan 2013)

Note: To prevent accidentally referring to out-of-date information, a banner is displayed when accessing specific versions from the archive. You may disable all warnings or re-enable all warnings.