Client CLI Reference

NOTE: These documents are for using the Brooklyn Client CLI tool to access a running Brooklyn Server. For information on starting on a Brooklyn Server, refer to Server CLI Reference.

Obtaining the CLI tool

A selection of distributions of the CLI tool, br, are available to download from the download site here:

Alternatively the CLI tool is available as an executable binary for many more platforms in the Apache Brooklyn distribution, under bin/brooklyn-client-cli/, with each build in its own subdirectory:

  • Mac: darwin.amd64/
  • Windows 32-bit: windows.386/
  • Windows 64-bit: windows.amd64/
  • Linux 32-bit: linux.386/
  • Linux 64-bit: linux.amd64/

The binary is completely self-contained so you can either copy it to your bin/ directory or add the appropriate directory above to your path:

